Financial & Career Solutions for Women

Gain financial independence with our 1:1 coachings, webinars & workshops

Elevate your career with our career coachings!

Make your dreams a reality due to financial planning!

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True independence needs financial independence

FrauFUTURE has supported hundreds of womxn & expats from more than 40 countries on their way to financial independence


In summer 2019, Verena & Yvonne launched FrauFUTURE. The financial expert & the career coach discovered in them what they also saw in other women: the need to pass on knowledge & to grow together to new horizons.


We want women to secure themselves a carefree retirement and live independence every day through smart financial provision. We firmly believe that women can successfully negotiate salaries and advance a fulfilling career.


To be the go-to place for women who are looking for competent advice and solutions to bring them closer to their financial and career goals. We want to inspire women, ignite their inner fire and provide the knowledge they need.

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Our programs are tailor-made to serve
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Check what our clients say about us and our work

I wanna thank FrauFUTURE for the motivation to change the financial situation in my family. I’m still in the process, and I strongly recommend to hear what FrauFUTURE say to us. I had no idea about all the opportunities, and that I could start right now. With a great appreciation, Julia

Julia J., MS Nanotechnology

Relaxed atmosphere, nice snacks, open to questions throughout. The workshop I went to was really informative and afterwards I felt motivated and inspired to have a 1:1 with Verena about finances and savings for my future.

Catriona M., Opera singer

Very knowlegable and helpful workshop, great fotos (diversity, yay!), very smart! You ladies know your stuff!

Chi N., Director of Linden Global Learning Support Services

Thanks for hosting this workshop! It was great to learn more about the German saving plans and how to move forward in saving. Keep up the great work!

Hana C.

Your energetic vibes make women finally take finances into their own hands. Thank you for being so inspiring!

Lara G., Social Media Expert

 FrauFUTURE wurde mir von einer Bekannten empfohlen und ich habe mich daraufhin bei Verena gemeldet. Der Kontakt war von Anfang an sehr herzlich und offen. Verena hat sich Zeit genommen, meine derzeitige finanzielle Situation zu verstehen, und hat daraufhin ein Konzept erarbeitet, das perfekt zu mir und meinen Wünschen passt. Sie hat sehr gewissenhaft, aufmerksam und planvoll gearbeitet. Ich konnte jederzeit Fragen stellen, um Sachverhalte besser zu verstehen. So konnte ich Chancen und Risiken gut abwägen und für mich gute Entscheidungen für meine finanzielle Zukunft treffen. Ich würde FrauFUTURE/Verena jederzeit weiterempfehlen!

Juilia S., HR Director

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