Young woman checking her phone


Want to do the math yourself? Go ahead, we collected a few helpful online calculators just for you.

“How old am I gonna get?” Calculate your life expectancy

How it works
1. At “Mein Alter heute” say how old you are right now
2. At “Ich schätze, ich werde so alt” estimate how old you’re going to get
3. Check how accurate your assumption was

“How much will Germany pay me?” Calculate your statutory pension

How it works
1. At “Jährliches Bruttoeinkommen” say how much you earn BEFORE tax per year. If this changes a lot, type in the average.
2. At “Beitragsjahre (ab dem 20. Lebensjahr)” say how many years you have already paid in and probably will keep on doing so
3. At “Voraussichtlicher Rentenbeginn” leave it at 67
4. Click on “Rente berechnen” and look at the first number (NOT the green one)

“Am I going to have enough income in old age?” Calculate your pension gap

How it works
1. Follow the instructions we listed under “Calculate your statutory pension”
2. Additionally, at “Gewünschtes monatl. Einkommen im Rentenalter” say how much monthly income you would like to have in total when old
3. At “Einkünfte aus Vermögen” say if you’re going to get any additional money from investments (per month)
4. At “Mieteinnahmen” say how much (if any) income as a landlady you’re going to have (per month)
5. At “Sonstige Einkünfte” state any other income you will have per month when old
6. Click on “Rente berechnen” and look at the fourth number (either green or red)

“How much can I expect from my funds investment?” Calculate your possible profit

How it works
1. At “Fondseinzahlung einmalig” say if you invested one bigger amount
2. At “Fondssparplan monatlich” say if you’re investing a specific amount per month
3. At “Anlagezeitraum” say for how long you invest the money
4. At “Kalkulierter Kursgewinn (Rendite) für den Fonds” say how much annual profit your fund(s) usually provide
5. The next four fields are about the costs. “Ausgabeaufschlag” = fee in % per time you buy | “Mindestentgelt je Depot” = min. fee per year for your depot | “Depotentgelt pro Jahr je Posten” = annual fee per asset you trade, e. g. per fund | “Depotentgelt pro Jahr per Anlagebetrag” = annual fee per traded amount
6. At “Soll die Abgeltungssteuer abgezogen werden” say yes (and add your church tax at “Kirchensteuer”, if you pay that)
7. Click on “berechnen” and look at the last last number. That’s your net profit, so already after capital gains tax.

“What would I get out of an insurance pension plan?” Calculate your future wealth

How it works:
1. Click on “Rente berechnen” (upper right button).
2. Adjust the settings at age, pension age, and monthly contribution.
3. If you want the calculation to show an annual increase of your contributions of 3 %, check the box.
4. Click on “Rente berechnen”.
5. The results will show the expected total amount at pension age for 3 average annual profit scenarios (3 %, 6 %, 9 %). When investing in the stock market for a longer period of time, an average annual profit of 6 to 9 % is quite realistic.

Please note: All calculators are online calculators. We do not take responsibility for the accuracy of the calculations.

If you want to talk to someone, you know how to reach us!