Our Experts

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford

Yvonne Bäldle-Agboton

Co-Founder & Head Coach

Yve is our Business Visionary and Creative Director. She doesn’t think big, she thinks huge – her average rate is at least three major business ideas per week. She is also a trained ICF Coach and our Head Coach & Trainer with more certificates and testimonials than we have walls.

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Yve was born in Berlin in the 70s and raised in Thailand, Burma, and Berlin. During her fashion design studies in the 90s she worked as an Aerobic Instructor & Choreographer, which led her to a career in the world of Sportswear. She played on the field for H&M, Nike, Adidas, Decathlon, Sportmaster, and Li Ning to name a few, created some pretty cool stuff and turned organizations upside down with her out of the box team and project vision management. At times it even seemed she walked an unknown path for some organizations.

The past 20 years led her to work in different countries such as Sweden, Germany, Austria, Hong Kong, Netherlands, France, Brazil, China, and Russia. So yes: She obviously loves living global and exploring our cultural differences & consumer behaviors.

Yve also enjoys pushing the status quo of women leadership in male environments. She is known for speaking up and speaking her mind, and has encountered both people and organizations that truly wanted change and took the necessary steps to succeed, as well as the ones that spoke much about it and failed to act.

Staying authentic and true to herself got her to where she is now. At age 48 she shows her five-year-old daughter as a single mom that everything is possible, if you only believe in yourself. To let no one ever tell you you can’t do it and doubt yourself. To always live by your values and aspirations. That might have led her daughter to senserely believe she will ride a unicorn one day, but we think at this age we can still count this as a plus.

Anyways: Creating FrauFUTURE is a dream come true to Yve. Here she can give back to our female community and all of us who feel female. Passing on her learnings out of experience on how to overcome gender gaps and taking pride in being female. To stand up for equality, live your dreams and to succeed in life while living authentically and mindfully.

She is looking forward to meeting you soon and to help you set your very own path for your future goals and successes!

In this sense, “Ahimsa” (nonviolence – every being on earth is equal) and “Namaste” (I acknowledge you for who you are within).

Licenses & Certificates

Yvonne is a trained transformational coach by Animas Center of Coach UK (ICF accredited) and a certified AEVO trainer in accordance with § 30 BBiG (= allowed to school others) by the IHK Berlin.

Next to her 20 years as a manager and director of teams in the global cooperate world she holds licenses as Train the Trainer, Lösungsorientiertes Kurzzeit Coaching, Access Bars Practioner and IPE Practioner (Integrative Potenzialentfaltung).

Contact & further info

Yvonne speaks German and English fluently, and enough Dutch, Swedish, Chinese and Russian to get by.

Learn more about Yve’s professional life on LinkedIn.

You want to work with Yve? Contact us or browse through her coachings!

Verena Metzler

Co-Founder & Financial Expert

Verena is the Pension & Financial Expert in the team. Which is weird, because she never really liked math at school. But once a grown-up, she discovered that dealing with figures and numbers is actually quite fascinating, when there is a good reason behind that.

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This discovery has led to her working as a Coach & Consultant in financial matters for 6 years now. As Insurance and Finance Advisor with ERGO Pro and FrauFUTURE she has helped uncounted clients to build up a healthy budget, create a personal financial strategy and find ways to see it through.

Before this, and we quote, “second professional life” she had led her own online shop in the field of DIY jewelry. Not the creative kind though (she had tried that on for size), but the buying the pearls, hooks and chains in Asia and selling them in Germany kind. And since she had never done anything like that before, she had to teach herself new stuff every day: Customs regulations, data protection, how to calculate prizes, compelling product photos and descriptions, customer support, packaging and recycling, taxes, book keeping and having employees (okay: one) – if asked, she can (and will) tell you a lot about this!

At the same time, Verena has worked as a freelance copywriter and proofreader in German. And this is actually what she majored in, but alas – life is what happens when you make plans, right?

In her private life Verena loves backpacking and team sports like soccer and beach volleyball. In her eyes there is no better evening than one of those long ones in summer, when you’ve played with your friends until the light faded completely and afterwards have a drink together in some beer garden. As to backpacking, we can proudly announce that Verena has now officially been in 40 different countries (yep, she still has her old passports), including the ones she explored during her 10-month world-trip in 2010. This trip and her ongoing travels have shown her that 1. There are great and lovely people everywhere, 2. Tropical heat is not her weather of choice (one of her most beloved memories is the slight rainfall in 18 degree weather in Australia after months spent in rather tropical areas) and 3. You can achieve and are capable of so much more than you ever imagined.

But let’s go back to her professional life again real quick: Verena will show you how to use this math-thing to make your money work for your goals and dreams in life instead of the other way round. Because being able to do that is not attached to sex. Not at all.

Licenses & Certificates

Verena is allowed to advice on pensions and certain insurances. She is licensed as a Tied Insurance Agent (Reg.-Nr. D-TBKO-M2MIL-34, vermittlerregister.info) registered with the German Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) in accordance with Section 34d Paragraph 7 GewO with unrestricted assumption of liability for the brokerage activity by ERGO company.

Verena is also allowed to advise on funds investments. She is licensed as a Financial Investment Agent (Reg.-Nr. D-F-183-5DV7-23, vermittlerregister.info) registered with the Gewerbeamt Oranienburg in accordance with § 34f GewO.

Contact & further info

Verena is fluent in German and English, and understands Dutch after two beers.

Want to learn more? Check her out on LinkedIn.

Get your finances on track! Contact us or find a consultation.

Kyla Linnenkohl

Budgeting Expert

Kyla is the budgeting expert in our team. We gave her the job as soon as we realized that she is a mother of 4 rather young children, and not only manages to feed them all, but even has some money left at the end of the month (which is quite impressive when you think about it).

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Before Kyla decided to take on Germany’s demographic problems all by herself, she mastered in Cell and Molecular Biology as well as German and worked as a Program Assistant and International Quality Agent in the U.S., where she is actually from. It was that last job that introduced her to the world of workshops. Once she had developed a taste for it, she started a side hustle as a budget advisor for women in the U.S. Back there a big part of her work was supporting women in figuring out how to get on their feet financially even despite those horribly high interest rates on student loans. This scientist-like ability to create a plan even if it feels like you need to find the money somewhere else, but certainly not in your own pocket, and her empathic nature are the two most important reasons why our clients love her, but feel free to discover your own!

All that being said, Kyla isn’t just a mom of 4 and a budgeting expert, but also our little party bird. Once let loose, she will own the night. So if you’re spending more on night life than on rent, a part of her will understand 😉

Licenses & Certificates

Kyla is allowed to advice on pensions and certain insurances. She is licensed as a Tied Insurance Agent (Reg.-Nr. D-54TA-R43DY-36, vermittlerregister.info) registered with the German Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) in accordance with Section 34d Paragraph 7 GewO with unrestricted assumption of liability for the brokerage activity by ERGO company.

Contact & further info

Send Kyla a message or directly book your budgeting meeting!

(Kyla speaks English and German)

Maggan Groß

Insurance Expert

Maggan joined the team in January 2021. But this wasn’t her first encounter with numbers, insurances and the lot. Back in her late teenager years her Mom tried her best to put her in a career in the insurance industry. But young Maggan didn’t follow her mother’s advice and started her working life in the event business.

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We’re pretty sure her Mom didn’t hold a grudge for too long, because while learning how to be an event manager Maggan met her later husband. They got married in 2019 and have two very purry children … yeah alright, they have two cats.

And you know what else? Maggan did end up in insurances after all! 9 years after her mother’s first attempt Maggan entered the insurance world, first as a side job. That was 2018. In the early light of 2020 Maggan quit her job as event manager and is now a full-time insurance geek. So whether you’d like to make sure you can finally cross that liability thingy off your list or get that weird insurance for your job nobody seems to know more about, Maggan is right there for you.

By the way: Maggan loves fresh air and sports. So if you’re just the same, you might actually bump into her somewhere in and around Berlin.

Licenses & Certificates

Maggan is allowed to advice on pensions and insurances. She is licensed as a Untied Insurance Agent (Reg.-Nr. D-EW7D-9KM7N-24, vermittlerregister.info) registered with the German Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) in accordance with Section 34d Paragraph 1 GewO with unrestricted assumption of liability for the brokerage activity by ERGO company.

Maggan is also allowed to advise on funds investments. She is licensed as a Financial Investment Agent (Reg.-Nr. D-F-107-BPRJ-93, vermittlerregister.info) registered with the Gewerbeamt Oranienburg in accordance with § 34f Abs. 1 S. 1 GewO.

Contact & further info

This is Maggan again, but this time on LinkedIn.

Insurances, anyone? Contact us for a consultation with Maggan (English or German)!

Supanuch Pongthanacharoenkul

Pension & Career Advisor (in training)

Supanuch grew up in Thailand, studied in Japan, and now lives and works in Germany. It‘s probably this international lifestyle that has led to her nickname Yik – much easier to pronounce and way less typos. Yik combines a unique blend of financial expertise with a passion for career development, which makes her a true benefit for FrauFUTURE.

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Yik’s background is as diverse as her interests. She holds an undergraduate degree in Information and Communication Engineering as well as a Master’s degree in Media and Governance from Japan, but none of that was really her calling. Instead, she leveraged her technical knowledge to become a successful recruiter, ultimately managing programs in Japan for 6 years. There, she developed a highly effective hybrid internship program and discovered what she is really passionate about: helping people reach their full potential.

Love brought Yik to Berlin, where she’s built a beautiful family life with her husband and daughter. After working in talent acquisition for the gastronomy and tech sectors for three years, she’s now transitioning into the role of our first Thai-speaking financial advisor and career coach.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Yik is an avid traveler with a love for exploring Berlin’s hidden culinary gems and indulging in animation. When she’s not empowering others, you might find her enjoying a cup of tea at a charming local cafe.

Licenses & Certificates

Yik is in the process of becoming a licensed advisor on pensions and certain insurances as well as a certified career coach.

Contact & further info

Yik speaks Thai, Japanese, English, and more German than she lets us know.

Want to connect with Yik? Check out her LinkedIn profile!