Insurance Agent // Event Management // Customer Service

“Your coverage is very important to me.”
High-quality advicer with nine years of experience in event management and organization, sales and team training.
Independent insurance agent and stock manager since 2018 with high growth of customer satisfaction in insurance coverage and stock equity development.
“My name is Maggan Groß and my goal is to impart knowledge and to support my customers in finding the right insurance according to their needs to live a relaxed life – today and in the future.”
After graduating from high school, I was drawn into the event industry, where I gained experience organizing seminars, congresses and trade fairs for ten years of my professional career. Even then it was the topic of “adult education” that accompanied me in my daily business and for which I created a space for education with the right framework conditions. In my current position as an insurance agent, I have been bringing the topic of “insurance” closer to my customers for over three years with passion and transparency and showing how important it is to properly protect yourself and to educate yourself in this area.
Whether an American company, the subsidiary of an association, the internationally active event agency, German tech start-up, the corporation or the small owner-managed further education academy – during my entire professional career I have got to know a wide variety of corporate forms and gained experience.
Educating people and the accompaniment and support in their development has been important to me from the start. That moment when you hear and see the person you are training implementing your tips, using your techniques and being successful – PRICELESS!